It is my view that design is a form of psychology, and exploration into cultures and people, forms the basis of my design exploration. When designing spaces, I believe it is crucial to get to the heart of any given client to understand their roots, values and mission. Only then, are we able to design a space that not only meets all functional and ergonomic requirements, but allows culture and people to thrive. It is my firm belief that architecture and the internal spaces should respond to one another, in order to create environments that touch the human senses and evoke the correct psychological and physiological response.
The exploration of brand is key to every successful design. Understanding what a brand stands for, how they want to be represented through their architecture, how are they perceived? These are key questions to be explored at the start of a design process to ensure that the design development is aligned with a brand’s values and goals. It is key to understand the experience of all stakeholders to ensure that their experience is on brand, whether that be subliminally or obviously. It is here where I explore the five human senses, and how design and architecture can immerse people in the essence of the brand as authentically as possible.
I collaborate with project teams, engage positively with clients, deliver innovative design pitches and ensure that every aspect of the design has been considered, resulting in a successful solution that fulfils a client’s brief and pushes the boundaries of design exploration.